Do NOT cut funding for CNAs!

CNAs across Washington sent 530 emails to our lawmakers asking them to not cut nursing home funding! 
Stay tuned for the next time we send more!

37 Responses

  1. I am committed to provide a quality care to Residents everyday. I would like to have a better payment. Do not cut medicaid fund from nursing home cna staff.

  2. I have been a committed CNA worker for the past 13 years. I do my very best each day to give quality care to my residents. I can tell you it is not because of the wages, I don’t make enough money to afford any extras . We are still underpaid and work extremely hard. This is a very physical and emotional job….we are always understaffed because people just really can’t afford to do this job because the pay is already so low. Please do not cut funding for CNA’s. We need people to want to work in this career, not leave the field because they cant afford to do the job because the pay is so low. We need more funding Not less. You or your family members may depend on us one day. I hope there will be quality people there if and when you need us.

  3. Elected officials, before voting on wage cuts, should all be required to shadow CNA’s for a day in a nursing home facility (especially a Memory Care unit, which is where I worked). I was employed at two different nursing home facilities and call them my hell jobs. Each work day, I would hit the ground running and hardly stop until the end of my shift. Under staffing, along with low wages, is definitely not an incentive to continue working in any facility. For that very reason, I am now working for a home care agency. It’s lovely, only caring for one client at a time.

  4. I’m work for 13yrs for nursing home. They need to get paid more ! We sacrifice to do all hard work in nursing homes,, they always under staff? The management not giving the right rate for cna? Not enough for my monthly bills and I need to get extra job for other facility..cna is a very hard work and stressful job!! We need a raise for all cna working in nursing home?

  5. I have been a CNA since 1991. I’ve done all types of care, from geriatric, dementia/memory loss lockdown units, trauma unit finally decided after 22 years to go into home care. So much better for me but I do miss taking care of a floor of vulnerable peoples.
    Big reason to slow down and go into home care was money. I had friends who worked way less stressful and unhurried jobs that were making more than I was. I was killing my body But making minimum wage.

  6. Nursing home care is an intensely physical, as well as an emotionally draining job. Short-staffing due to workers leaving because of low pay leaves those who stay at greater risk of injury to themselves or their patients. Those who care should be able to afford to stay where they can work to serve a vulnerable population.

  7. I work in home health care now, because when I worked at a facility, the pay was too low for the amount of responsibility I had. The client to CNA ratio was also too high, which meant that a resident may wait up to 1/2 or more just to get assistance to go to the bathroom. Many times there was so many temporary CNA from an agency that they didn’t even know the resident’s name.

  8. I have worked as a CNA for Providence For 23 years and still cannot make enough to support my family so I also work at Olympia transitional care nursing facility in the evening time and you guys want to cut our pay people’s lives are literally in the Palms of Are hands I believe The elderly are a library they need to be treated with respect and dignity and handled with care and we’re all going to be old someday and we’re all going to need a CNA to help us including you your mom your grandparents think about that thank you

    1. I’ve been a caregiver since 2005 and put ever ounce of positive care, love, and efficiently into my work with clients. I’ve worked in countless nursing homes, hospitals, medical facilities, and private homes. No matter where I work, it’s always the same shortage of cna help. The wages are too low. My son got a job at McDonald’s serving fast food with nearly the same wage as a new hire cna. This us wrong. We are caring for loved ones LIVES! We are front line workers doing a job that is necessary and needed. Greater wages will increase the hire for more help and support those of us who have stuck through it for so many years. Please don’t ignore these wage increases

    2. I agree! We will ALL need a CNA in our lives , CNAs deserve the upmost respect and dignity! Pay us better!!!!

  9. I have worked in nursing homes . The pay is way too low for the amount of work required . I moved here from Texas 35 years ago . My salary in Texas was $ 3.74 a hour with no paid vacation , sick or workmans comp . As difficult as times are now CNA’s should be getting an increase not a decrease . If you are proposing a decrease in CNA wages , then you should decrease your salary as a Washington state House and Senator to the same amount you are proposing for Nursing Home CNA’s . Try to pay your bills and support your families on that wage. I suggest you apply the Racial Lens to your decision . This proposal will affect POC and single parent homes the most. These folks work hard . Do the right thing .

    1. Lawmakers should think about all the work that we do, we deserve healthy work lives and dignified jobs.

  10. We work hard at our facility taking care of close to a hundred residents. It’s important to have enough staff to take care of people and of you don’t have enough it hurts the residents and also burns out the workers that you do have and they get sick or end up quitting . So funding is important to help out.

  11. I Agree, CNA workers deserved to get a better pay, we are the essential front line workers working hard for the benefit of our elderly clients. hope you won’t let these elderly suffer due to lack of caregivers/ workers, don’t cut the cna s’ wages instead increase it so that we can continue providing these clients with the care they needed and deserved.

  12. I have been a cna for a long time and I take pride in my profession enjoy caring for residents and patients for any one to cut back on humanity the people who have to go and live in a long term care facility need staffing to care for these people for good quality care the ratio should not exceed over 8 residents per 1 cna

  13. The problem is when people get pay raises the cost of living goes up so the cost of everything needs to stop going up and we the people the working people can afford to go to work and afford to live a healthy life for the basic needs of our lives

    1. we need our basic needs met! I want to live in a world where I don’t live paycheck to paycheck and can take my time off + not have to worry about if I’ll be able to feed my kids.

  14. I have been a CNA off and on through out my life both in the private sector and in facilities. Our elderly are of the utmost importance to take care of. CNAs, LPNs and RNs are all crucial in this line of work and care. With that being said CNAs definitely need higher wages. It’s a selfless and caring act that they do to take care of our elders with love and compassion. They are definitely in need of higher wages so our elders can be taken care of.

  15. My mom is at the end of her life and do to understaffing my family has chosen to keep her at home and take care of her our selves. Because the staffing at LTC and SNH are so bad due to
    Low pay which they deserve so much more. Pay them what they deserve

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