NEWS: US nursing home workers face ‘catastrophic crisis’ of understaffing

On November 7th, 2023 The Guardian published an article that spotlighted fellow CNA, Linda Long.

“Most of the time, I want to cry when I see things and I can’t do any more than I can do,” said Long. “There are times when we have extra people and we’re jumping for joy because I know the residents will have somebody to talk to, but in general we are still short-staffed, which means you look at the residents every day thinking. ‘Oh my God, how am I going to do this for them today?’”

“Showers aren’t being done all the time because we can’t always get to it,” added Long. “People will lose the ability to walk, the ability to sit up, to do a range of motions, and that has a lot to do with being shorthanded because they don’t get any of the basic care they need.”

Read the full article HERE.

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