ACT NOW! Make sure you get up to $4/hour raise!


In 2022 we urged lawmakers to invest in living wages for workers in skilled nursing facilities, and we won $48 million for all 200+ skilled nursing Medicaid facilities in Washington! 

You helped us send 590 emails to DSHS officials asking them to make sure that the raises come to us, the CNAs, not to administrators or other areas! 



Come back again soon for the next round of emails!

157 Responses

    1. I am the same way. During the pandemic I still went to work. Sometimes I even pick up extra shift to help out. Not only that renewing our license every year it increases $20 more. And wages are still the same or increase by 50 cent or $1.00. But the cost of living are triple the price and gas are expensive now. With the wages that I earn barely enough to cover the expenses. But what I don’t think it’s fair is that our CNA license to renewal; it increases way too much. I don’t know about others, but it’s a lot for me.

      1. I totally agree our CNA licenses is way to high and out salary is still the same. Gas and our license is enough to think to change careers. And nursing home is always under staff.

        1. I worked through all Covid and still working Thanks for the support, deserve more salary and mileage

    2. This pandemic has made it tough for us CNAs to stay at our jobs, especially since we’re always short-staffed and don’t get paid enough. @tracy thank you for working through covid

    3. It’s unimaginable what work we do, many times we are short of stuffand we suffer it . We are not paid enough for the responsibility we perform. reached. We have to do the work we love helping the people in need… where are we in all this??? That’s really not right..

  1. I work in a nursing home through all of covid still have not caught it thank God. Currently have active covid in my facility. Would love to be noticed for my hard work with a raise.

    1. I’m a CNA and we definitely deserve to be paid more.i have been a CNA for over twenty five years and I don’t even make $20.00 an hour.we risk our lives daily because we care about our patients and we love what we do.we are overworked and underpaid.we are treated badly by our department heads and are not given the respect we deserve.please help us make this work for all of us.with the high cost of gas, food, shelter, and other essential things we all need we, need more money to live without going hungry and homeless.thanks for your time.

      1. We are undervalued, paid less than what we deserve, and things around us are getting more expensive! We deserve respect and dignified workplaces

  2. Caregivers are the people that make the company run without us there would not be a place for your parents to get the care they need. The nursing facilities are the one’s making the money while places are short staffed and staff are having to do a double shift.

    1. We give so much and care for so many, yet get so little in return- we need better pay and work benefits

  3. As a CNA we impact the lives of people who truly need us. We represent hope, understanding, kindness and compassion. We make sure that our clients needs are fulfilled with the highest standards.
    We are CARE/GIVERS.

  4. We work hard in senior living facilities. I would live to see this form if recognition and motivation extended to the senior living facilities too

    1. Yes!! I’m my facility we are on our 2nd round of covid. We have been short staffed since I started there 3 years ago. Long hours, hard work and not getting to see our own family as much should be rewarded.

  5. I’m a hospital cna2 in Washington and Idaho and Oregon..worked hard during covid and feel I didn’t get all the perks bonuses etc as my fellow RN’S..covid19 was hard on all healthcare workers but cna’s in all area’s need higher pay…

    1. I’m with you on that I work at a hospital too, on a unit where we get alot of medicaid pts. Regardless the insurance the pt has, all pts are very well taken care of and we work our hardest at all times to make sure of this. I’ve been a CNA for 40 years, I really don’t make very much for that period of time. I think the CNAs at the hospitals would really appreciate a raise also, alot of the pts being taken care of are from nursing homes.

    1. It’s so expensive to live here- our wages should always reflect the costs of living in this city!

  6. Yes,I have been a CNA for a number of years,plan is to make it to retirement. These days of inflation, I applaud you CNA’s out there for standing for us all,it takes one to know one,and the job responsibilities for each one of us. I am looking forward to that 4.$$ more raise.

  7. I’m working in Swedish hospital issaquah and they pay 21$ can you believe it work in hospital and every day is hard and a-lot of patients, you always have alot of patients and I’m working in nursing home too 13 patients all the time and you can not even sit

    1. Unfortunately, CNAs are taken for granted- not paid enough, short staffed, no recognition of hard work. We deserve better

  8. Work in a Hospital and get paid less than 20$ is very difficult these days. Covid is definitely still around and is making us short staff every day. We definitely need to be seen for all we do every single day/night for our community.

  9. We are always short staff and our pay stop on a certain amount, other hospitals CNA’s get more than we do.

    1. We work way too hard and we are always short staffed. Thats why we get burned out. No recognition at all. Where I work, our residents pay a lot of money but only top management benefit and we are paid peanuts and yet we do the donkey.
      To all who made this happen, I salute you!

        1. I’ve been a CNA for 6 years. Not even making $19 an hour. Thank you for all you are doing, and will do. I’m at assisted facility, and I love it there yes but also doing med tech on top of it.

  10. We CNAs deserve the raise, so as the HCA, and raise can make a whole lot difference☝️ First and foremost I thank God how he works his ways. Second I thank us, the CNAs nation wide, with the CNAs the healthcare are to keep strong, we have the most contribution, we are in the bottom and the bottom is the root. We CNAs hold the foundation strong. Lastly I thank for the opportunity of CNAs voices. One love one family. We CNAs are very thankful for our voice can be heard. ☝️

  11. We work so hard 19 to 21 high demand care patients, we need really needed this. Plus economy is high on everything specially gas and food.

  12. I have been employed to this nursing home as CNA but getting almost the same pay caregivers not even licensed, just got hired. It is really not so fair. My employer said it doesn’t matter if you are CNA. Seriously! It’s about time to give us more pay. Thanks!

  13. I have been a CNA for 14 years work during 2019 every day , have been making the same for the past 6 years , we di need to be pay more. Thank you

  14. I like working as a CNA but I really hate it when new people come in and they have higher pay than you that is not fair for the ones that are working and they’ve been there longer.

  15. The work of a CNA officer is demanding and difficult with little renumaration. It’s good the work of CNA officers be appreciated by good renumarations.

  16. Yes, we deserve a pay raise ,cost of living is too high,especially gas and food..CLASSIC,we do all ,making all the sacrifices to care for our patients even when we are short staff.
    We deserve a pay raise, please and thank you.

    1. Yes! We shouldn’t be struggling to buy food- its too expensive. CNAs don’t get paid enough, we deserve more

  17. Nursing homes… assisted living facilities and adult family homes all deserve raises for the cnas … adult family home cnas make less than nursing home cnas…. they have 6 to 8 residents to 1cna but we have to cook… clean… do laundry and take care of the residents also… it’s alot of work with little pay… all cnas deserve this raise!!!

  18. I am CNA for 8 years in memory care in Mirabella Retirement Home. And now I worked in the hospital as HA hospital Assistant in Operating Room and still this job is really hard, but I’m so proud that I’m in the medical field. Covid time is more stress to do our job. Hope we will get something that we deserve.

  19. I am glad to hear for this notice, I am moving from nursing home to a home caregiver. I hope this raise will change my living. I’m been working through all this Covid-19. And I been in a CNA since 2007 it’s so long.

  20. many government elite workers work from home and get paid and still getting paid from home yet many covid restrictions are lifted
    CNAs are front-line workers and cannot work from home and we are not rewarded financially for our highrisk environments………….minimum $4/hr raise should be retroactive from when the pandemic started to all CNAs.

  21. We Nursing assistants deserve a pay raise work hard pay less.
    We are sacrifice with daily living, gas, food, rent etc.

    1. It’s so expensive to live here, we deserve a raise especially during this current pandemic.

  22. CNAS deserve a pay raise.
    In Nursing Facilities the most work is on CNAS taking care of Residents deal with a lot of people everyday giving a good customer service with compassionate and patience.
    Now I am glad to hear this massage and I like to say thank you ???? for understanding us.

  23. If you work in a Nursing home, as a first year CNA, your starting wage should be 20 dollars an hour for all that we put up with. Experience Cna’s should be making between 23 to 25 an hour and more for COVID patient care in a Nursing home, Assisted living, and Dementia and Memory Care facilities.

  24. I have been working as a CNA for 15 years straight when I started I was only making $9 a hr.

  25. Yes yes yes!!!!!
    I had to stop working as a cna couldn’t pay my bills with the salary

    How can our state justify 60-80$ per hour for nurses, even with more schooling it’s not ok and 15$ for CNA’s when we do literally the hardest labor and being degraded by RNs on top of it all. I had to work a whole floor by myself often, while RNs sitting at the station complaining about their job. So unjust. Sick of it!

  26. I’m a retired CNA. If it wasn’t for CNA the nursing homes wouldn’t exist. They are the heart and soul of these facilities. They are over worked and under paid, they deserve a big raise. Thank you. Kathleen Holdenp

  27. Yes , can’t agree more
    We are always unrecognized and underpaid
    Been a CNA for 22 long years
    Worked in nursing home , adult family home , hospital , agency on one on one care. Name it . Done it all.
    Now recently working for Dshs to a Medicaid disabled client. Not getting paid for all the hrs you put in.
    Yes ???? I support all the CNA voice !!!

      1. I appreciate the fact that as NAC we are being noticed, we work hard to make sure our patients are taken care of

    1. Yes, we do a lot of hard physical, mental, and emotional work! We deserve better workplaces

  28. I believe that CNA’s are under paid and not valued. We have faith food industries making more than us.

  29. We do unimaginable to put smiles on patients/Residents and in extension to families. As a CNA we are bullet proofs for companies we work for, especially when families want to vent their frustrations. We deserve it because we make dreams come true.

  30. I’m a CNA and we definitely deserve it.we also deserve and, need better benefits.401k would be great with contributing from the company.we also need better insurance because the deductible and copay are through the roof.

  31. It was time to give a voice to CNA!!!!!l long years waiting for good raise not just a few Pennie’s every year !! It is so sad that this health care workers are not valued !

    1. Right!? Especially since we’re frontline workers during this pandemic! CNAs are essential

  32. I care for my daughter at home. Because of her disability I’m unable to work a second job to make ends meet. A $4 raise would be a step in the right direction.

  33. Times are getting harder and harder with the pandemic. We have worked so hard, we deserve a recognition


  35. I have been a CNA for over 30 years and we work hard at our job. We have alot of responsibilities at our job too. Even though we work alot of hours it sometimes don’t due for our finances. Now a days it’s hard to make it because the cost of everything is going up and it’s really hard. It would be nice to be able to live comfortably instead having to worry if we are going to make it through the month.

    WE ARE 90% HANDS ON!

  37. I have worked as a CNA for 28 years. I started when the pay was $5.25 an hour. I have worked in nursing homes, assisted living, adult family homes, hospitals, hospice. It’s very frustrating for CNA’s to get paid less than a person working in MCDonalds.

  38. I agree with everyone on this feed cost of living has gone up ..ppl living on the state live better than us working people an have a full fridge of food and cubards, gas has gone drastically, and food has too …and including the cost of our license …I been here through all this covid 19 from the beginning too

    1. It’s so expensive to live, CNAs should get paid better to afford basic needs like food and housing

  39. Hello, I work at a Covid Care Center clinic, where all the residents are coved related patients and I thing I don’t get paid enough and a little rise will be wonderful. thanks. We get tested twice at week just for any contaminations between employees.

  40. I feel very overworked at most locations because I can get up to 18 residents in a shift when other CNA’s call in absent. In addition, because CNA’s feel overworked, I have had to deal with other CNA’s trying to stick me with their work. I work for a temporary agency and it appears to be the same at every assignment, I get the difficult residents and this is made obvious by the way the rooms are assigned. The other CNA’s will all get rooms in consecutive order in the same unit, whereas, I get rooms all mixed up and even in different units; this causes a lot of additional work and walking. I can go on and on describing how being overworked has caused CNA’s to stoop to either not doing all their work, to giving their work to other unaware CNA’s. Most CNA’s are hard dedicated workers and if there were more CNA’s, many problems and issues would not exist, but they do. The unidentified and unaddressed issues that exist amongst CNA’s are the big problems and they are the biggest reasons that CNA’s quit. CNA’s are people and people are good and bad that will act accordingly. Already, CNA’s are overworked, but when some stoop to sneaking their duties to other CNA’s so they can claim they did their work, it disrupts everything for the CNA victims: emotions, work, and outcome. This is the reason I am taking time off to work as a repacker. I am an excellent worker and everywhere I go I am offered a permanent position, but I am tired of all the sleaziness that goes on because CNA’s can’t do all their work because there is not enough workers. Yes, I know that better pay is definitely needed, among other things to stop all the hidden problems that are never addressed and are even avoided. Nurses are needed, but what would happen if there were no CNA’s that do most of the work in every facility. We are the caregivers.

    1. Karen, I hear you and I empathize with you. Unfortunately CNAs are not given the right working conditions to do the job effectively. I’ve also left previous workplaces because of this, I agree 100%- our work isn’t valued enough .

  41. Yes all CNA need to get wage increase. We are the back bone off the facility. Also Frontline Worker. We Work SHORT and work hard to take good care of our Residents. Also cost of Living going up Food,rent and gas ETC. CNA DESERVE IT.

    1. I worked during the first covid outbreak and it was tough, being on the frontlines is not easy – we deserve fair wages

  42. Our company didn’t give it to us yet. We need the raise. CNAs do so much and don’t get enough pay. We should be appreciated.

  43. I am a CNA and I have worked through all of this covid. I also ended up getting covid myself and was out of work for 10 days, CNAs do so much and don’t get enough pay. We should be appreciated more than what we are. And I love being a CNA .

  44. i think we cna work hard during covid and before we always work hard take more resident than we should due to shortage of cna and still short staff but we still never give up working hard underpaid and never appreciated and we deserve this .

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