RANT: Going downhill for 35 years


I have worked in same nursing home for all together 35 years.

I have seen our place go down hill each year. covid was the worst i think so many people quit and we have used agency cnas. the problem is they get paid sooo much more than then the rest of us do that makes me feel like i am worth less.

I love my work i love my residents and i never once thought of not caring for them during covid even though i am a high risk person for covid.

i did get covid in jan. but never thought of leaving.

If i did not have so many years in here i most likely look for another job.

the management has changed sooo much and there are rules for some people and not others, i am always worrried that i have done something wrong and going to get fired .

if i voice my concerns i am scared it will get fired. I use to be soo sure of myself and i know i do a good job but still i feel worthless.

our place was sooo good everyone cared for each other and they put the resdents needs first.

i miss that.

the people who work now dont want to work they do as little as possible and i dont think they really care for our residents and that is what hurts the most.


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