RANT: Things need to change

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I have worked as a cna, phlebotomy, and a dialysis technician for 24 years.

I have done and seen it all. I am currently unable to work because of my body. Does any employer care that I gave my best years to work I love.

The only place I found absolutely miserable was working in nursing homes. They make it impossible to take proper care if the patients their.

Not saying they can’t give their patients a better quality of life,but that would mean they would have to improve alot. Including staffing ratio.

The only time things are OK is when the state is due to inspect. It crazy. Why can’t things be like that all the time.

It’s so sad. Lately I have been increasingly more angry with the lack of financial support for health care workers. If a McDonald’s worker can fight for 15 what makes a cna less worthy.

It needs to change. They need to provide us with more safety resources and better pay.


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